FS-OSI-RI_Honeywell-Notifier_Fire Projects

Notifier - Reflective Imaging Beam Smoke Detector FS-OSI-RI

Reflective Imaging Beam Smoke Detector


Fire Projects recommend NOTIFIER’s FS-OSI-RI intelligent addressable reflector-type linear optical beam smoke detector is uniquely suited for protecting large open areas with high ceilings, where spot-type smoke detectors are difficult to install and maintain. Ideal applications are warehouses, atriums, aircraft hangers, sporting arenas and concert halls. The beam operates primarily on the principle of light obscuration using infrared. The FS-OSI-RI detector is a combined transmitter/receiver and is compatible with NFW-50X, NFW- 100X, NFS-320, NFS2-640, and NFS2-3030 fire alarm control panels in Flash Scan® or CLIP mode.

Category: Fire Alarm & Detection System

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Turnkey solutions for Fire Detection, VESDA System, Fire Suppression, Fire Extinguishers, CCTV, Access Control and PA Systems for Industrial and Commercial market segments.

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