Morley_HM-PSE-UL-W_Honeywell_Fire Projects

Morley-IAS by Honeywell - Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detectors HM/PSE/UL/W

Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detectors HM/PSE/UL/W


Fire Projects recommend the HM-PSE-UL-W intelligent plug-in smoke detectors are designed for both performance and aesthetics. A new modern, sleek, contemporary design and enhanced optical sensing chamber is engineered to sense smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources in accordance with more stringent code standards.

Category: Fire Alarm & Detection System

We Offer

Turnkey solutions for Fire Detection, VESDA System, Fire Suppression, Fire Extinguishers, CCTV, Access Control and PA Systems for Industrial and Commercial market segments.

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